
Jan 17 2015 - Jan 18 2015

Ryder's Pain: 2015-01-17

On this last Tuesday night as Ryder was being put into bed he fell and his bottle hit his front tooth. It shifted slightly, and started to bleed. We calmed him down, but he didn't really sleep after that. He couldn't put his bottle in his mouth, and we haven't weaned it off of him yet so it's hard for him to sleep. We went to the dentist the next day and he said he was fine, it should heal and there's not much he can do such it's a baby tooth. He recommended Tylenol and Oragel to help pain relief.

He's been having trouble sleeping since, no bottle of milk to suck on all night is really hard on him. We have decided though that we'll use this as an opportunity to wean him off the night time bottle anyway, as he probably won't be able to use it for a week or so.

Been sleeping and cuddling with him late at night, he's up all night playing and he doesn't go to sleep until almost in the morning, like 6 or 7, from just exhaustion. The other day he passed out at the bottom of the stairs, and this morning he finally cuddled with me and went to sleep around 7 or 8 in the morning. I think last night he kind of figured out his bedroom door as well, opening and closing it, before he couldn't figure out the handle as it was one of the round ones, not the accessibility friendly long ones. He's got it more from the outside than in, pushing it open is easier than pulling, but he definitely has the turn down pat.

You can tell it's slowly getting better, he's starting to eat more solid food again, but he's sticking mostly to pudding and yoghurt for food. Last night we raided the fridge around 6 or 7 and he got a yogurt tube, some soft cheese and cheerios. He ended up sucking on the yoghurt tube until he almost fell asleep, then he handed it to me and passed out.

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