
Jun 16 2020 - Jun 16 2020

Calvin : 2020-06-16

Calvin had an asthma attack a few days ago, trouble breathing, and is still in the hospital. Needs oxygen and medication. All very expensive :( . Feel bad kicking him out of our bed so many times to sleep now. Lately he's been going outside too, hanging in the yard. Been a very good cat.

I just want to own and run something. Dreamed of owning a grocery store since a child. Running it a certain way. So many things I would want to own, and just make money to own and operate more things to run and make things good and proper. I think I kind of make up for that in my Facebook groups. Never own anything in real life so I have my Facebook groups. Like a convenience store, run everything my way, place things where I want, work the hours I want, dress and be who I want. Can work late, clean up and be responsible. Something to be proud of. Or a restaurant, or a paint ball arena, or any other crazy idea I had of ever enjoying this world.

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