
Aug 30 2010 - Aug 11 2013

New Dishwasher: 2010-08-30

So the new dishwasher comes Wednesday, it has a cool new feature that it will keep washing until it doesn't sense dirt anymore. I'm sure the sensor will corrode or break in 5-10 years, but then we can just use the normal wash button.

I have a new monitor coming, along with the NVIDIA 3D gaming package, which includes the glasses and software, which will put me one step closer to #D gaming. This is about all the money I can spend this year, so it will have to wait for next year to continue my upgrades.

I added a second overflow outlet to the rain barrel, and this has prevented a lot of water from coming towards the house so far, I hope it's enough.

Work has been the usual, Nelson is back at school and we'll be getting a new student soon. It was nice having him, as I could take it easy doing prep for a few days instead of always working the line. I'm struggling with shaving my head, I usually shave it, but right now I like it long. It's better for work, so I suppose I'll have to shave it soon.

We got a lot of produce from the garden, sadly we didn't pick the raspberries soon enough. The tomatoes were put into a box in the basement and rotted too quickly, so the whole box had to be thrown out. However the box was all wet now and collapsed when I picked it up, had a big mess to clean up.

Diana has medical problems, but nothing serious and should be better once she is on her pills.

I've been uploading a lot of pictures into the website, and I still have a lot to go. I'm putting them all in random, and will sort them into galleries later.

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