
Nov 23 2010 - Aug 11 2013

Hurt My Back: 2010-11-23

Yesterday I was making some improvements to the kitchen vent, directing the flow more. I went to get up and I couldn't, the pain was too quick and intense. After several more attempts to get up I gave up and crawled to bed. This was around 11 PM. I usually go to bed around 2 or 3 AM, so a lot of stuff I usually do didn't get done. I had Diana put icy hot on my back and figured I'd be better in the morning. About 5 AM I still can't sleep because of the pain; I'm stuck on my stomach, I like to sleep on my side or back and I couldn't roll over to do that. As long as I laid on my stomach the pain was minimal, anytime I'd move that area, my lower back right by the tail bone I'd be in immense pain. At 6 AM, having had to go pee for the last few hours I wake Diana up and we slowly make our way to the toilet and then the hospital. They gave me muscle relaxant and a bunch of T3s and said I should be better in a few days and to take it easy, no heavy lifting etc. The muscle relaxant made me all rubbery for a bit, and after a while it helped. The doctor says it was a mechanical lower back problem, if it continues it may be chronic and I should do physiotherapy. Have to miss the day of work, hope I can come in tomorrow.

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