
Mar 08 2021 - Mar 08 2021

All Of It Is Loss: 2021-03-08

Should have, not should of. Always good to know. Superman does good, you do well. So many tricks. It's just one loss after another though, I saved so much of my stuff for the kids to grow up with. Stuffed animals that I wanted them to have, my whole family of them. My clothes that meant something to me. Everything in my bins, my sleeping blanket. Want a new sleeping blanket, but never go shopping anymore, feels forbidden. Lost Calvin, lost my bike, twice now. Hate biking to work with all the potholes, I could usually just go over most of them, but now I need to swerve in and out to avoid hitting them so I don't get thrown off. Work is alright, miss the kids, miss Ryder, miss Diana. Miss being something. I just wanted my own business, or be a manager at least. A corner store, a restaurant, something. And I am just getting older and it won't happen, nothing will ever happen, then I will be dead. Just waiting to get hit or something, maybe one day. Playing Rayman Legends, trying to work hard on it, enjoying it, then the save file is lost. Can't build anything up. 1 hit after another, constantly.

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