Terrified For The Future: 2025-02-01
I am terrified for the future right now. Canada's biggest ally is declaring war on us, for seemingly no logical reason. It may not be a conventional war yet, but we have seen across the world where trade and economic wars can lead to physical wars when the bigger country doesn't get it's way. They did this 8 years ago and the American people have chosen to go this route again, either through voting or not voting this is the path they are taking. I have been taught in schools not to stand up to bullies, you always end up being the one to get in trouble while the authorities look the other way. I hope this is not true for the bigger world, that the world will not stand by while the Americans bully Canada and the rest of the world.
I hope we solidify further ties with the EU. Build more manufacturing in Canada, strengthen our border and armed forces against possible attack. I hope we form alliances with other countries being targeted. I hope we are able to transition with strong leadership investing in Canadian companies and not letting them be bought out by Americans, and taking back ones that have been. Our media should not be American owned, public services and utilities should not be American owned. The majority of our companies should not be American owned.
We do our part and had even agreed to amp up security, but that wasn't enough because it isn't about border security it's about Canadian sovereignty as he continues to make remarks about how Canada should join the US.
I want to build my life up, build my community up. I dream of one day building an expansion for my house, seeing my children grow up and become awesome in their own rights. I worry enough about guiding them and making sure they grow up to be happy, ethical, empathetic, compassionate, intelligent, without worrying they end dead in some stupid unnecessary war over resources or ideals or anything really. I don't want them to be soldiers, I don't want them to have to know how to fight, I don't want them killed in American bombings.
I want a strong civil service, that cares for and provides services for the people. I want to see services and programs built up that serve the community. Fire, police, medical, food, basic life essentials. I want to see the quality of life improve over time and not need to buy things from 100s of different companies. I don't want insurance, I want basic services provided. I don't want to go back to where fire fighters would battle it out to see who puts out your home. I don't want to see safeguards going away that keeps the police from acting like gangs and filling with corruption. I want to create, not dismantle. Trump is like the bully who can't figure out how to make something cool with the Lego blocks so he just comes over and knocks it all down, things that could take years to build gone in an instant, and may never quite be rebuilt to how they were if they get rebuilt at all.
In the 90s and early aughts things seemed to be so good, everything was improving, rights and equality was being worked on and gained inch by inch, but we were on the road to improvement, acknowledging we have done a lot and need to do a lot to improve how everyone is treated but things like gay marriage were a strong step in that direction. There may be thousands of tiny tip toe steps like land acknowledgements, but they are still meaningful, and 1000 tiny steps may seem small, but if they keep moving forward it will get the same place giant steps will get without falling down. Not that I wouldn't love to see big steps too, but I acknowledge those can be harder to accomplish and at least we are taking some steps to build something up.
We want strong regulations, strong checks and balances, strong and fair rule of law. A small government is a weak government that can't help its people and provide services that improve quality of life and lift them up. We want our courts to be free of corruption so they can keep our government free of corruption. We need our people to hold officials accountable, and we need a strong media independent media to inform our people of what is happening. We need the CBC, a strong public broadcaster that is not driven by profit but to inform and educate people. Things such as the Concerned Children's Advertisers infomercials that would help guide children as they watched in between shows. Educational content mandates in children's programming. We don't need American propaganda here.
I see them call them "demoncrats", or trans people "its" dehumanize them so they don't see the other side as people. They keep calling immigrants "illegals", again a definition other than a person, an illegal person instead of a person who did something not within the law. That way they don't have empathy and its easier to take away rights and do horrible things to them. All people are people and deserving of care, compassion, empathy, and basic human decency. Everyone should be able to live their life.
Nevermind the impending doom of climate collapse over our heads, and now the Americans going full reverse course on trying to do anything about it. Even if it wasn't as bad as predicted (Which it is), what is wrong with cleaner air, with healthier waters, healthier peoples. What is so bad about stopping pollution, making it so we want to swim in our lakes and rivers, so when we go and travel we can see life everywhere, animals everywhere, insects, instead of just barren land. Why not try to do research into making us live longer lives, have better quality of life, not just for those with money but for everyone.
I am deeply concerned that Panama is the American's Rhineland and Canada will be Poland. They start off with an economic war and in a few years Trump or whoever is in charge at that time (he is really old for an American, who by the way have an average of 4 years shorter lifespan than Canadians) uses our fighting back their trade war, cutting off energy, no longer offering help or services we have always done in the past (9/11, Afghanistan, every natural disaster) as an excuse for war. And we may not even cut off help because we want to but because we are in a bad position economically. I hope we have stronger ties with the EU by then, but WW3 could easily be a land war in the Americas, and all I care for is my children and for them to have a future with hope and a carefree childhood.
This isn't about drugs or human trafficking but American Aggression and a clear attack on Canadian sovereignty. It starts with a trade war but who knows how far it will escalate.