
Feb 24 2025 - Feb 24 2025

Government/CBC Is Necessary: 2025-02-24

Government is necessary. It is what creates a fair, just, and equitable society. It provides services to the people within that society that should be universal such as healthcare, fire, police. I'd argue more services should be provided that are necessary for a better quality of life such as guaranteed food and shelter. The more a government provides its people the more equitable a society is. The more government holds everyone accountable to the same standards the more just a society is. It is about caring and compassion for our fellow citizens and people. Empathy should be taught in school so people can understand the role a government should provide. It should not be there just to command and keep the people in line, but allow a fair amount of freedom that increases quality of life, wellness, and happiness.

A good government isn't supposed to make money, it should operate at a loss. It picks up the slack where businesses fail to keep a well running, happy, society, the needs of people to keep them in a good quality of life. It does what isn't profitable, which is why businesses won't touch them without gross incompetence, absurd pricing, or not actually providing the needs they say they do. It is because government takes care of everything that isn't profitable or profit driven that it operates at a loss. That is where taxes come in, and why taxes should be progressive, so those who are taking the most out of society, the rich who get richer off the backs of the workers, put more in the more they take out. We NEED to remember this, the wealthy don't add to society, they subtract! The business of governing should be in happy, healthy, well taken care of citizens.

The CBC are mandated to provide a lot of content, radio, print, television, and create Canadian content. I enjoy how few advertisements there are when I listen to it, and how they are not beholden to advertisers wishes in terms of their content. Their Olympic coverage was renowned, they do a lot of great in depth talk shows, and spotlight Canadian artists who may otherwise not be heard as we are bombarded with Canadian media.

I feel the CBC is very factual in their reporting, probably my most trusted source of information. There may be some bias in what they choose to report on, but what they do report in is accurately done. I don't feel they are guided by the current administration at all though, they are run as a crown corporation without government interference in terms of their content. There is no political government official telling them what to publish or guiding them besides decency laws. Where you look to the states and Trump politicized the Kennedy Centre for example, which was traditionally non-partisan.

I do feel the government also did try to make Canadian news organizations more profitable by having those who regularly use their content pay for it, and most did agree to the terms to create a Canadian content fund, but Facebook for example refused to give any money to Canada news and just banned us seeing news on this platform.

Otherwise it is becoming very hard for news to remain profitable on it's own in the internet era where everything is expected to be free, regardless of the work that went behind it. How many people in Winnipeg read the Sun over the FreePress because of the paywall online. Quality journalism online costs money, that people aren't as willing to pay for when there is free alternatives backed by billionaires.

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