
Jan 30 2025 - Jan 30 2025

Dynacare Should Not Be In Manitoba: 2025-01-30

The idea of Dynacare disgusts me. Healthcare should not be in private hands. It is an encroachment on Canadian ideals. I need to go for blood work as part of a regular check up and I refuse to give any legitimacy to this system. They are not Canadian. They are owned by Lab Corp, an American company driven by profit.

This is how it starts, oh its just blood work, then it is a few small tests, then some small procedures and before you know it they will be wanting a small user fee to help pay for expenses as profits need to always grow year on year, never enough profit in a capatilist world. The whole idea is if you don't make more than last year it's a failure even if you make money, even if you provide a successful service. Profit should have no place near healthcare.

We do not need expensive American style medicine hurting our people, denying service, leaving them in debt. I would like to see us stop it here and take back our labs and tests and push Dynacare and any other for profit company out of Manitoba.

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