Gender Is A Spectrum And Not Binary: 2025-01-07
I very much believe gender is a spectrum, it is a social construct that our current society strongly links to sex, but that's just a society imposed will, it doesn't need to be that way or stay that way. There can be "masculine" and "feminine" traits you weigh differently on, or can just see it as different traits that people have and gender is kind of meaningless.
Can also see it as an expression of your sexual identity, if you link gender to sex, and in the end I trust people to know themselves better or to discover themselves and they should feel valid in however they choose to express that. I'm not about to shoehorn them into some kind of label, we don't even need labels, but if it helps to feel good to have a shared identity labels help too. I wouldn't say there is a third gender, I would say there are many genders that exist outside of the binary that society currently presents to us.