
Nov 17 2007 - Aug 11 2013

I Can't

She was so beautiful
I felt I could reach out and touch her
But the second I did she turned away.
Now I'm feeling empty
I was in love
But now she's gone
And all she left me was this broken heart
And I try to move on
But I can't
And I try to breathe
But I can't
And I try to forget
But I can't
I just can't stop loving her.
So I'm here all alone
Feeling the worst pain ever
The pain of a broken heart
My angel has left me
So I sit in my room
Crying into my pillow
Remembering every step we took
Every mistake we made
I know how much I loved her
Like the sun, the ocean, the majestic lands
And I remember how much she said she loved me
And I try to move on
But I can't
And I try to breathe
But I can't
And I try to forget
But I can't
I just can't stop loving her.
But my angel is gone,
And I'm not fine.

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