
Nov 14 2007 - Aug 11 2013

Greatest Love Poem Ever Written

The greatest love poem ever written wasn't brought to life by a poet,
The greatest love poem ever written wasn't thought up of by a philosopher,
The greatest love poem ever written wasn't dreamed up by an academic,
The greatest love poem ever written was created by a simple man,
He knew nothing of the majesty of poetry,
Or of the mechanics that a poet ought to use.
He knew only of simple things,
Things that filled his simple life.
How to milk the cows,
What time to herd the sheep,
When the best time to plant the crops was,
He was after all a very simple man.
He lived his simple life day after day,
Not caring for the complexities or wonders of the outside world,
He kissed his wife every morning when he woke up,
And every night when he went to bed.
He raised his children to work hard,
To be all that they can be.
He tended to his daily life until one day he grew very tired,
And he took a pen and paper and decided to write.
He wrote many things that were quickly tossed,
Some things that he wrote he felt were so bad he had to burn them,
But still he wrote on.
He wrote and he wrote until his hand was black with ink,
He wrote and he wrote until he had no more paper,
He wrote and he wrote until he felt he could write no more.
Then one day an idea struck him,
He would write about the one thing he truly understood,
He didn't understand a lot,
But he did understand one complex thing,
Perhaps it was the simplest thing of all,

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