
Oct 26 2018 - Oct 26 2018

Non-Voters Get To Complain: 2018-10-26

I really don't like the idea of "if you don't vote you don't get to complain". Feels like a form of gatekeeping on who's opinion is valid or not, a basic ad hominem attack to dismiss an issue a person may have, they are only valid if they vote. Why is it okay to determine the validity of their worth based on their political involvement? Should those who had the money to run be listened to more simply for running and partaking in the process more? Why raise barriers on who to listen to? The level of involvement they have shouldn't invalidate them, sending letters, emails, whatever way they choose to engage in the process is still engaging.

If you don't vote you still have every right to complain, your level of participation in the process doesn't invalidate your right to speech.

  • If you don't vote you don't get to complain.
  • If you don't vote the right way you don't get to complain.
  • If you don't help out the candidate you want in you don't get to complain.
  • If you don't run for office you don't get to complain.

There's lots of ways we try to invalidate others or dismiss them to make ourselves Gatekeeping who gets to complain is toxic, everyone is valid and should be heard.

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