Journal #26: 2004-11-04
Went to school again today. Early dismissal so it ended at noon. Drove around for a little bit with Mom, boy she gets mad quick when driving, I think it's all that driving with Jason. Worked 4:00 chicken today. Helped AJ a bit before work. Pre-closed today too, got it done okay, but ended up doing the wheels. Helped Robbie and Colin out later in dishroom after work, getting pretty used to working in dishroom. I put a note in to Rose saying I would like to be put into dishroom, I hope that I get in. :haven't talked to Mel after Chibi-Con. I'm thinking of just being friends with Mel for a little while, in fact I think I got a bit of a crush on Jackie right now. Finally started a journal on the computer today, going to try to get an entry for every day that I'm home to better keep track of my life. I'm behind in every subject, but I don't think I'll try hard to get caught up in math, I just don't care about math. Went to Pizza Hut with mom, all you can eat :). My mini-disc player is at Baba's right now because I forgot it there. Lent Golden Boy to Justin Lacko today, I'm supposed to get it back next week. Made a two-dollar tip today when a guest asked me to take out a bag full of garbage. Got a $240 dollar paycheck today. I promised 20 to Jackie, cause she's so special :), 40 to Mom, cause I always give her, got to buy my usual anime DVD, and I'm not sure what else, oh yeah I'm supposed to take Mel bra shopping but she won't answer my e-mails so I'm not sure if it is going to happen. It feels good to finally get my thoughts down; I hope to do this a lot more often. Installed Microsoft Office 2000 on my computer today, about time too cause now I can get my homework done easier. Need to buy a router, a monitor, wireless optical mouse, wireless keyboard, video card, and a sound card for my computer in that order. Probably take a while because I never seem to work towards anything big. I hate my hands so much :( they have such dry skin; I wish they would just go back to normal. From now on though I have to stop scratching and let them heal. Oh well that's enough writing for today. Oh yeah can't wait till Saturday cause I get to see how my pictures turned out.