
Dec 31 2024 - Dec 31 2024

Dream Sunday: 2024-12-31

Had a dream was in high school and student election and I was dating a girl who was running with curly hair. They were announcing the elections winners so ran to the cafe with her but couldn't keep up so told her to go on ahead but got there and they had the winners on the screen. Cafeteria was more like a choir room with steps and levels. Both girls looked alike with curly hair and I knew she had won with 65% but I was also a bit iffy and couldn't remember her name. She was smiling waiting for me to say something and I didn't know to say congratulations or not. I knew it was a dream and I knew if I said something I would get it wrong as it would change so I didn't say anything. She gave me a v for victory and I knew it was for victory but was wondering if it could change or not.

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