
Aug 28 2024 - Aug 28 2024

A Vote For NDP Is For The NDP: 2024-08-28

Personally I don't really like the attack signs the conservatives have put up along Henderson. It really feels like politics in Canada have lost their class, respect, decorum they used to hold and we are getting more into mud-slinging and personal dishonest attacks. The whole thing seems a bit disgraceful to me. Pushing rhetoric instead of facts, trolling and making statements without good faith for debate or discussion but just to get a reaction. A lack of policies besides being against the current polices. The cons don't say what they will do for the environment and climate, just what they won't do or undo. It is especially disheartening to see these signs up on people's lawns besides campaign signs. It was one thing to have attack ads on the radio or billboards, but now people are personally endorsing these attacks instead of showing support for their candidate they are outright putting up slogans against who they don't like. It really feels a deevolution in Canadian politics where we are having discussions at this level instead of valuing higher discourse and education. Please correct me if I am wrong on this but I don't really remember previous elections having attack signs on people's properties before on any level of government. There were the signs saying "Save Healthcare" or "Louise Bridge" but never out right villfiying the opponent in Elmwood.

People shit on the NDP a lot for propping up the Liberals but really I'd rather have a party that's willing to work with other parties than to just oppose everything because a different party proposed or supports it. Like to me that's Canadian politics right there is us all working together to move Canada forward. We can agree to disagree on things but in the end we move forward, we work on policies, we develop things together. We don't have a two-party system like the Americans do, we have a multi-party system and we get things accomplished by different parties working together in different ways. I get people may not like Trudeau but the NDP are still their own party and just because they're willing to work with someone doesn't mean they are someone. They have gotten a lot more done for Canadians working with the liberals than they would have the cons. I very much doubt if they formed a coalition with the conservatives they would have gotten dental or phrama-care pushed through. You may not like them for the liberals but don't hold them up for what the liberals have done. Imagine if instead of turning to the cons we turned to a progressive approach and what a NDP majority can do for this country.

I feel Trudeau got us through the pandemic in rather good shape where the conservatives are anti science, wouldn't believe there is a virus and pushed hard against getting vaccinated. Economies around the world suffered from COVID and inflation but Canada came out of it relatively decent compared to many other countries. Yes things are not as good as they were here, but in terms of a worldwide issue inflation in Canada isn't the monster they make it out to be. I would like to see the NDP push for price controls on food items, to go after these companies making billions on hard working Canadians. The conservatives would just keep getting the rich more money and tearing holes in our social safety net.

A vote for the NDP is a vote for the NDP, simple as that. They played their hand smartly and by working a coalition government they got policies through that otherwise the liberals would have never pushed for, look at what they have leveraged as part of their coalition. Things the cons threaten to go back on, diabetic care, Dental Care, Pharama Care. All this progress which the conservatives would roll us back on as far as they can go. They have outright said they don't believe in climate change and will go back on any policies and the carbon tax that are trying to build a future for our children. The cons don't care about the future or people, just businesses and making the rich more money. Liberals are not much better in that regard, but at least the NDP has brought them to the table and gotten some policies pushed forward. Policies that would not have happened if they were simply liberal MP's. A strong NDP ensures more progressive polices are moved forward, and if they had a majority the government would be a lot different than the liberals are, or the NDP in a minority or working with the cons.

We don't have a 2 party system and this is everyone trying to turn it into that.

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