
Oct 09 2006 - Aug 11 2013

Old LJ Entry: Daily Goings On: 2006-10-09

Okay so work was hectic today, busy because of thanksgiving. I was talking to Diana today at work, beginning to think I like her, might ask her out tomorrow, probably get rejected, but hey going to try.

Working on slayer in Runescape right now, want 65 so I can kill dust devils. Before I go I'm going to take Runehq's advice and get the spell Bones To Peaches so I can stay down there a long time. I think it will be a little bit still, but it will be nice when I get down there. Was disappointed a update didn't come out today, but hope it comes out tomorrow, can't wait for it.

I'm going to start posting my stories on here, and start writing again, need to get back in the habit.

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