
Jun 19 2014 - Jun 19 2014

New House: 2014-06-19

So last weekend we moved into our new house, and today we finally got internet hooked up. Lots of moving in the rain, lots of help, especially from Diana's brothers, my brother showed up for a while and helped with some big stuff, and Doug has been over putting everything together. We've figured out most of the wiring in the house, they have speaker wires wired throughout the walls, so no more messy surround sound, now we can hook it up nice and clean.

Had a problem putting the gazebo together, it kind of fell apart, hoping to still get it together, as we need a mosquito free zone in the back yard. Pool is leaking a bit, Diana has done a bunch of patching, but there are still leaks. Perhaps Doug will have to show us his patching method when we drain it next year.

Work has been very busy, running things for Jamie while he is taking a month off. Going well until now, ran out of milk and half and half, not used to ordering when it's this busy. Kitchen was getting a little messy but managed to pull it together, specials are selling well. Learned a lot the last few weeks, it has been very good for me.

Love my new computer set-up, all my stuff together, within reach. Can't wait to get the garage in order as well.

Ryder and Daisy, our new dog, are getting along a lot better. Yesterday they were both playing in the mud together, Daisy had dug out one of the potted plants and her and Ryder were both playing in the mud. They then were both very averse to a bath afterwards. Daisy loves going for walks with him, walks right beside him, or will walk ahead and wait, or stop behind and run up to catch up to him when he gets ahead. She loves it outside, new yard is great, they've been playing in it a lot together.

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