
Aug 15 2008 - Nov 17 2014

Will It Go Through The Red Plastic Window?

You are walking through a forest and all of a sudden you come upon a magic Red Plastic Window. You walk around the window, trying to find a way through, but you can't figure out how to get through the window. As you continue your investigations you find only certain objects can go through. Can you figure out what can and can not go through the Red Plastic Window, can you figure out the magic behind the window? (there is a way to win)

  • There is water on the other side of the Red Plastic Window, but no food.
  • People can go through the Red Plastic Window, but no mammals.
  • There is mail beyond the Red Plastic Window, but there are no letters.

Will it go through the Red Plastic Window?

The Red Plastic Window is no longer being updated, so new features like comments for those who figure it out are only available through the much more popular Green Glass Door.

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