
Sep 15 2008 - Aug 11 2013

School Update: 2008-09-15

Alright so school's going alright, stressing out a bit because I don't really have any experience with any of the stuff were doing, but I hope I catch on quick. Just remember to make myself useful and I should be fine. Sleep is getting bad again, haven't had a good nights rest in a while, when I do have time to sleep I just can't seem to sleep. I haven't had much free time, though I'm finally working less, as I need the time to practise for schoolwork, I'm only going to be working 3 shifts a week now. I have actually been writing more, all poems though, in class, when time permits. I hope to write more stories soon, but we shall see what happens. I haven't been adding as many images as I would like, I just don't think I like regular updates. I also don't have any pictures of Hamtaro, so I hope to solve these two problems at once and soon have a picture of Hamtaro up here.

Made mayo today, went well, didn't have too many problems, except I think I was going to slow, and in the end my arm was so tired from all of the whisking, I can't seem to learn how to whisk by wrist, I keep moving my arm and getting exhausted. I have decided not to make my cooking subdirectory after all, at least where it was going to be user based, instead I'm just going to add another category where I can put all of my recipe stuff. I think at first I'm basically just going to copy my journal I have to write for school, though it does seem handy to have the recipes typed up as well; I have to put them in the journal so might as well put them online. This might also force daily updates so everyone wins. I hope to quickly have the coding done when I get home tonight so I can start adding everything I want to it.

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