Clark's Dead: 2008-09-22
Well Clark died yesterday, maybe earlier. It's hard to say why, I don't think I was treating him good enough or something, maybe over-handling. Since we got him he never really wanted to leave his shell, so yesterday I took him out to give him a bath, when I took him out he still wasn't moving, and so I tried pulling him out a bit to get him moving, and all his legs fell of. There was a distinct fishy smell, so I knew he was dead. I followed everything the information sheet told me to do, though from what I read online it was poorly written. I feel bad, I should of done more research online the day I got him, instead I think I just added to his stress and helped bring on his death. I've done more research now and hopefully my other crab will be fine, Peter is fine for now, he comes out of his shell regularly and moves around, and he seems perfectly healthy.