Mar 31 2021 - Mar 31 2021
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What Awaits The Morning Cook 2
>Turtle Pond
•All Lit Up
•Leo's Old Tank
•Now With Lights
•Setting It Up
•Step 10: Plywood Time
•Step 11: Trace The Pond
•Step 12: Re Tracing
•Step 12A: Cutting Out The Hole
•Step 13: Getting The Perfect Fit
•Step 14: Adding Backdrop & Fabric
•Step 15: Close-Up
•Step 15: Nearing Completion
•Step 1: Buy The Pond
•Step 2: Make Room For The Pond
•Step 3: My Drawings
•Step 4: Doug's Drawing
•Step 5: Come To Life
•Step 6: Reworking
•Step 7: Assembly Has Begun
•Step 8: Frame Is Built
•Step 9: Additonal Framing
•Step: Final
Step 13: Getting The Perfect Fit
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