
Nov 21 2007 - Aug 11 2013

Resolutions Overview For 2007: 2007-11-21

Okay so going over my New Year's resolutions from last year, I think I did good. I'm thinking up new ones for next year, will have them thought up somewhere around the new year.

  1. Manage my money better - Have 2500 saved up versus -500, think I'm doing alright there.
  2. Be with Diana the entire year (easy one :P) - Check :D
  3. Write my book - Haven't gotten that one done, but do have this site up now, so hopefully will be writing more.
  4. Get my driver's license - Failed three times this year, better luck next year I hope.
  5. Get at least 1 piece of third age armour by December next year - I could of achieved this one, was getting rich, but not really into Runescape much right now.
  6. Get 99 Firemaking - Same as above, switched to agility for a bit, but 99 seems like a bad goal now.
  7. Get 4 more posters for my room - Easily done, with help from Diana.
  8. Buy an I-pod - Check and loving it so very much, especially now that I've discovered podcasts.
  9. Buy another stick of 512MB DDRRAM (or 2 new 1GB ram chips) - This was mainly to speed up my computer, however I have managed to do that through software changes, though I would still like to boost the specs a bit.
  10. Have a blast at Key-Con - This one wasn't even really a resolution as it's impossible not to have fun there.

So out of ten I did 5 and changed my mind about getting two done, as they weren't important, however I'm counting them anyway because I had fun in Runescape so that's 70% completed this year.

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