
Aug 12 2022 - Aug 12 2022

Camping: 2022-08-12

Well camping was fun. Still slept a lot but managed to be in a good mood despite the stress of being away from home and all the stuff to do. Getting home the dogs seem a bit depressed, they had constant time with us and lots of walks. Logan being the athlete loved the hikes and fitness trails, Amelia being a trouble for bed as always. Ryder is super into Animorphs which I love, just wish he could have experienced it one month at a time, the book fairs, the book stores, the waiting and the checking, knowing which days they re-stock. Was quite a series and quite a run. Always enjoy the random walks.

Touching into Runescape again, always fun just wish had time for it. Otherwise Angry Birds 2 is still my main game taking up my time. Always lots to do, keep me busy so I don't think too much, avoid the existential crisis of life and death. Diana is now my official agent, I'm sure things will move faster but really didn't want to add on to her tasks.

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