
Jan 04 2009 - Aug 11 2013

Advertisements: 2009-01-04

I've decided to put advertisements into my website. Now I've looked into Google Adsense, but it just didn't seem to be what I was looking for. I've decided to open up my ad space to the public, sort of. The ad space is currently free, that might eventually change, but not in the immediate future. The next person to seriously approach me about an ad will get it. There is one ad space up for grabs right now, what I'm looking at filling is the space at the bottom of my sidebar which is on every page of my site. The ads may be text or image based, if it is an image it must fit into my sidebar, I will resize as needed so no worries on your end. E-mail me at "EMAIL REMOVED" (Use Contact Form) if you're interested in either of the ad spaces with the subject line "Re: Free Ads" or something similar.


  1. Nothing pornographic, the ad must viewable for all ages.
  2. I can remove the ads anytime I choose, but I will provide a week's notice prior to take down.
  3. These rules are subject to change any time, if they are changed ad space owners will be informed of the change a week prior to the change.

Edit: Since no one has ever inquired about them, I have decided to stop offering them. I will now have a link to Fine Structure at the top, and at the bottom a random link will be displayed.

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